- Jun 20
Practical Skills
A big part of my Forest School training has been learning new outdoor skills and refining old ones. Assessment not only includes being...
- Jun 19
The Shabbaton B'Teva
My Teva events had been going great, and I was discovering so many people with an interest in bringing together nature and Jewish...
- Jun 19
What Is Teva?
In addition to my six practice sessions that I ran for my Forest School practitioner training (which were confusingly also referred to as...
- Jun 16
Natural Cycles
I love the idea that nature comes in cycles. I didn't use to notice these, but during Covid I found one spot in the woods where I would...
- Jun 14
The Tool Talk
When making things, we need to make sure we're doing it safely and with the right tools. Before I started this course, I rarely used...
- Jun 14
Making in the Woods
I love making things, and I love spending time outside. Learning to make things, inspired by the nature around us, and often using found...
- Jun 6
All of the Plants
I have a small patch of woodland near my house which I've been going to regularly, ever since lockdown began. It's a beautiful space, and...
- May 22
Rain, Sun, Etc.
There were geese this morning on Loch Ettrick. Two Canadian Geese, with a few babies trailing behind them. I noticed them because they...
- May 6
Tree Appreciation Month
Patrick and I were sitting drinking coffee in Queen's Park on a Friday morning back in January. We had brought our watercolours along,...
- Feb 12
Trying Out Willow Coppicing
This week I had the incredible opportunity to learn a bit about willow coppicing. I'd previously taken a four-week willow weaving course,...